Why Have I Been Banned From TikTok Live?[Real Facts 2024]

Written By Farhan Max

After launching the TikTok application, when you are trying to broadcast or go live, you view a  message saying “Livestream Restrictions!!”.


You are banned from going live, and in some cases, you might not be able to post videos from your account.


More than 1 billion users are using this social entertainment and creativity platform across the globe. But the fact is many users are being banned from going live or forbidden from using their account every day.

Being among the victims like you, I could not live stream from my account a couple of months ago. Although, I recovered my account later following some processes.

In this article, I’ll show why you get a ban and how to recover your account. Don’t skip any part unless you want to miss anything important.

Why Will the TikTok Authority Ban You?

Violating the rules or doing anything that goes against the community guidelines of the TikTok application is the main reason for getting a ban from going live on TikTok. Additionally, if other users report against your account repeatedly, you will get a ban.

TikTok is among the seventh most significant social entertainment and creativity showing platforms. There are community guidelines for controlling such a big community, and there is no other way to follow them strictly.

If the TikTok authority finds you guilty of violating the rules and regulations or doing anything against the community rules, you will surely get a ban.

Another reason for getting a ban is if other users report against your account. Then the authority will investigate those reports. When the authority finds you a culprit, they have the full power to ban you.

Also, check out our separate post on How to Fix Airpods Not Working on Tiktok.

Here are the reasons that should ban your account from going live:

Threatening Minor Safety

Assuring minor safety is one of the most appreciable challenges by the TikTok authority, and they are not going to compromise anything in this regard. Promoting any content or videos that depict abuse, exploitation, or endangerment of minors violates TikTok’s platform, and those accounts will be removed or banned when detected.

Promoting any content that can spread the sexual exploitation of minors is strictly prohibited on this platform. If you do anything like this, you should receive a ban.

Nudity or sexual activity involving minors can also lead you to get a ban on your account.

Promoting Crimes Against Children

No one can save your account from being banned if your content promotes child crime, child abuse, and child labor. Child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and supporting evidence to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) are crimes, and your account might receive a ban for this.

If your age is under 16, you won’t be able to use this platform.

Spreading Dangerous Acts and Challenges

Your Tik Tok account will be banned if your content glorifies or spreads dangerous acts that may lead to severe injury or death. This platform does not appreciate content that describes or provides instructional detail on how to perform a dangerous activity, dangerous games, dares, challenges, or stunts that might lead to injury or property damage. You should get a ban for promoting such content.

Promoting Suicide and Self-harm

Any video or content that promotes suicide or self-harm, instructions for suicide or how to engage in self-harm, games, dares, challenges, pacts, or cheating, no one can save your account from getting a ban.

[Tiktok released a transparency update, and it was removed between April 1 and June 30. This platform removed  approximately 81,518,334 videos promoting suicide and self-harm, bullying and harassment, and promoting child labor]

Encouraging Adult Nudity and Sexual Activity

Normalizing non-consensual sexual acts or non-consensual touching, including rape and sexual assault, non-consensual intimate imagery, including sexual images taken, created or shared without consent, sexual violence, nudity, and sexual activity with adults might be the reason for the ban.

[ Do you know Indonesia was the first country to ban this app back in July 2018. Indonesian government accused TikTok of promoting pornographic and inappropriate content that insulted Indonesian culture and religion.]

Bullying and Harassment

You should come by a ban if your content intends to mock, humiliate, embarrass, intimidate, or hurt an individual or community.

You might get a ban if you threaten others with blackmailing, hacking, or hijacking through your content.

Promoting Hateful Behaviour

You will receive a ban if you promote content that hurts others’ ethnicity, national origin, caste, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, severe disease, disability, and immigration status.

Encouraging Violent Extremist Organisations and Individuals

You will get a ban when you post videos on the terrorist organizations or individuals related to a terrorist organization, organized hate groups, and established criminal organizations.

Risking Integrity and Authenticity

Posing as another person or entity by using someone else’s name, biographical details, or profile picture misleadingly, promoting spam or fake content, engaging in selling views and likes, creating malicious software, or modifying code to artificially increase views, likes, followers, shares, or comments might lead your account to a ban.

Promoting Illegal Activities & Regulated Goods

If your contents promote assaulting or kidnapping, vandalism or damaging property, displaying ammunition or explosives, buying or selling weapons, drugs, controlled substances, alcohol, and tobacco, gambling, scams, and frauds, you might be banned from going live.

[Recent studies show that 75% of teenagers seeing photos on social networking sites of other young people smoking weed or drinking alcohol encourages them to experiment in the same way.]

Encouraging Violent Graphic Content

Content that is excessively disturbing, explicit, sadistic, or brutal promotes extreme violence or suffering. When an account poses a threat to public safety, TikTok bans it and, if necessary, reports it to the appropriate legal authorities.

Types of Ban on TikTok

You will have 3 types of bans for violating the community guidelines of the TikTok application, and it depends on the severity of your violation.


Here are the types of ban you might get:

Temporary Ban on TikTok

A temporary ban generally lasts for one day to two weeks duration. You will see a Livestream Restrictions part, which will notify you about the time of your ban.

You will get back your account once the temporary ban has been lifted.

Permanent Ban on TikTok

If you get a permanent ban on your account, you won’t get back your account until you appeal against the ban and your appeal is approved.

The Livestream Restrictions option will show you a message saying ‘Permanently banned from live streaming.’

Shadowbanned on TikTok

You might be wondering why the views are dropping drastically, and you cannot see the uploaded videos on the For You Page. You have got a shadow banned on your account, and this type of ban does not last for more than two weeks.

Check our exclusive tutorial on the how to fix the problem of Facebook Feed not loading.

How to Recover Your Account from a Ban?

It depends on the severity of your violation of the community guidelines of the TikTok application. But, if you think you have got the ban unnecessarily, you can appeal against it.

Here are the ways to recover your account from a ban:

Recovering Temporary Ban: Temporary ban does not last more than two weeks. You can wait until the temporary ban ends, email TikTok, or send a feedback form.

Recovering Permanent Ban: It will take longer to recover your account from a permanent ban. You can send an Email and a feedback form with as much information as possible.

Here are the Email Addresses you will need:

Frequently Asked Question

How To Avoid Permanent TikTok Ban?

Creating content within the TOS mentioned by TikTok is the only way to avoid any ban on the platform.

Will you receive a ban if a child appears while streaming?

Users below 16 are not permitted to use TikTok, and if a child appears on your screen while live streaming whose age is below 16, you might get a ban.

What is TikTok’s global internet perceptiveness?

TikTok is used by 18% of global internet users aged 16 to 64.

Was TikTok ever banned in the US?

In September 2020, former US President, Donald Trump, attempted to ban TikTok, claiming it was a threat to national security.

Bottom Line

I hope this article will help you realize the reason(s) for which you might get that ban from going live on TikTok. I’ve also shown the ways to recover your account either you get a temporary ban, permanent ban, or shadowbanned.

For the further inconvenience, you can ask in the comment section, and our experts will try to help you as early as possible.

About The Author
Farhan Max is a tech geek with a particular interest in computer hardware. He's been fascinated by gaming since childhood and is now completing his undergraduate studies while researching and testing the latest tech innovations. Alongside his love for all things geeky, Farhan is also a skilled photographer.

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