How to Change Grenades in Halo Infinite [Definitive Guide 2024]

Written By Farhan Max

Your gaming skill depends on how flexible your strategies are in the combat mode. To make your strategy versatile, you need to adapt the way of using different types of weapons and throwable.

It doesn’t matter if you are playing multiplayer or campaign; knowing the functionality of a grenade, and throwing it to serve it’s purpose- damaging your enemies, brings ultimate satisfaction.

Trust me! I know this from playing games for most of my adult life. In this article, I will share a detailed guide on how you can switch grenades depending on practical use.

Keep reading till the end if you want to be a master at using throwable in Halo Infinite.change-grenades-in-halo-infinite

How to Switch Grenades in Halo Infinite on PC

Changing the grenade type according to the situation while attacking your enemy, is going to be a lot advantageous- if you want to improve combat skills.

You might have noticed this skill on youtube. Watching your favorite streamer switching grenades and throwing them off to kill enemies and hoping that, one day, you could show off that level of skills to your friend, right?

Okay, Let’s make your dream come true. If you are using a mouse, and keyboard (Mnk) for your gaming activity, follow the forthcoming steps to switch between the grenades you picked.

Here are the steps to change grenades using Mnk in Halo infinite:

  • Launch the game on your computer.
  • Start the game in campaign mode/ multiplayer mode.
  • Press G on your keyboard to choose a grenade as a weapon.
  • Press N to select the next grenade from your arsenal.
  • Press B to select the last grenade.

And you know what to do next. Throw the grenade away by left-clicking your mouse.

Note: All these keys are pre-assigned by your game, and you can always remap these buttons to your preferred key.

Here’s a complete guide on how to fix Halo Infinite not launch & crash issue on PC.

How to Swap Grenades in Halo infinite on Xbox

If you are a console person but can’t seem to switch nades in the new Halo game, this section is totally for you. A simple press on the left d-pad is enough to swap your grenades.

The next step is to equip the right grenade for your mission. Tap a specific button on your d-pad and equip a different nade.swap-grenades-in-halo-infinite-on-xbox

Here are the differently assigned d-pad buttons to get various grenade types:

  • Press the left D-pad of your console to use the Frag
  • Press the right D-pad of your console to equip the Dynamo
  • Press the up button D-pad of your console to use the Plasma
  • Press the down button D-pad of your console to use the Spike

Enjoy the fast swiping nade, and finish your enemies with all those grenades. But you don’t know what does the nades do in Halo Infinite?

No worries, check out the following section to get a complete idea about the grenade’s practical use in the game.

Also check our exclusive tutorial on can you use a PS5 controller on Xbox.

The Functionality of Different Grenade Types in Halo Infinite

There are four distinct types of grenades in Halo Infinite you can use, and each one is unique for a particular scenario. But the issue begins when you are limited to carrying only two of them in combat.

To solve that limitation, you need to know the effectiveness of all the grenades and the right time to use them. Let’s get a proper understanding of grenades in Halo Infinite.

Here are the types of grenades you might find in Halo Infinite:  

  • Plasma Grenade: This type of nades is highly recommended if you are to fight any powerful boss in Halo Infinite. This throwable projectile sticks to the surface you throw at, even to the enemy’s body. The best use of a plasma grenade is for lowering the enemy’s shield. So, make your arsenal filled with plasma grenades if you are planning to fight with enemies such as Lok Boss.
  • Frag Grenade: There’s no need to introduce this grenade to you. All of your gaming life have passed throwing this nade. Just give your teammate a frag out call before throwing the nade to the enemy’s room, and steer clear of the area.
  • Spike Grenade: This is almost similar to the plasma grenade but slightly different in the damage department. As the name suggests, this nade fires out spikes when it explodes. For fighting close range, this grenade is perfect.
  • Dynamo Grenade: These nades are used for disabling the enemy’s shield. And the bonus feature of this grenade is that it can be used as EMPs (electromagnetic pulse) to shut down car engines.

These are the usefulness of different types o throwables in Halo Infinite. Take the most needed two, according to your mission, and use them in an appropriate manner to lure out the best outcome- maximum damage to your enemies.

Check out our experts who tested and reviewed the best keyboard and mouse adapter for PS5.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to use Grenades in Halo infinite?

Don’t waste your nades just depending on maybe. Be sure of the enemies in the targeted area, then throw the grenades.

What are the different grenades in Halo Infinite?

 There are four different nades in Halo’s new edition. They are frag grenades, plasma grenades, spike grenades, and dynamo grenades.

How many grenades can you hold in Halo Infinite?

You can carry four grenades of two types (out of four types) in Halo Infinite.

How do you Throw Bombs in Halo?

Press the G button from your keyboard and left-click on your mouse to throw it towards your enemy.


Once you throw different types of grenades at your enemy and understand the mechanism, there will be no stopping you from spamming nades after nades. I have introduced you to the basics of grenades in Halo Infinite. And I know you’ll do much better with the rest.

If you have any queries regarding this topic, feel free to ask in the comment box. And if you want informative articles like this, share this with your friends. We’ll come back with different topics.

About The Author
Farhan Max is a tech geek with a particular interest in computer hardware. He's been fascinated by gaming since childhood and is now completing his undergraduate studies while researching and testing the latest tech innovations. Alongside his love for all things geeky, Farhan is also a skilled photographer.

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