How to Align Bullets in Outlook [Line Up Points Instantly]

Written By Farhan Max

The human brain is easy to manipulate. It falls under an optical illusion when it sees a zigzag line. Whether in the road or Outlook bullet, people find the zigzag line disturbing.

Fixing the crooked line in real life must be exhausting. But in Outlook, it’s easy as pie. You can align the bulleted lines and organize your emails to look this article, I’ll provide effortless ways to align the bullet points in Outlook and make your email well-sorted.

So, let’s begin.

How to Align Bullets in Microsoft Outlook

Bulleted lines in Outlook emails are generally aligned. However, users can face bullet alignment issues in Outlook or find them misaligned. If you encounter this situation, the Paragraph Settings and Format Painter options will help you to arrange the lines.

Both options are straightforward and capable of aligning several lines. Read the following methods to quickly align the bulleted lines of your Outlook email.

Here’s a complete guide on how to automatically forward emails in Outlook.

Here are the methods to align bullets in Microsoft Outlook:

1. Use Format Painter

Outlook users can point a correct alignment to the system using Format Painter and format other lines according to the specific line settings.

Consider reading the following steps to align bulleted lines according to the line settings in Outlook email.

Here is the process to align bullets in Microsoft Outlook using Format Painter:

  • Launch Microsoft Outlook desktop client.
  • Open your Email.
  • Click on the correct bulleted line.
  • Navigate to the Message tab from the ribbon. select-correct-bullet-line
  • Press on Format Painter from the Clipboard section.
  • Highlight the incorrect bulleted line.highlight-incorrect-bullet-lines

After selecting the inaccurate lines, they will align with the correct bulleted line. This process is useful when the mail has a single or multiple bulleted lines, and you want to correct them all at once.

But, if you want to correct a single line or each of the bulleted lines is misaligned, consider using the Paragraph Settings.

Follow our guide on how to print emails from Outlook.

2. Use Paragraph Settings

Paragraph Settings are useful to define the alignment of a bulleted line. Users can specify a preferred value in front of single or multiple lines to align all the bullet lines.

If you want to align a single bulleted line, follow the below instructions carefully.

Here are the steps to align bullets in MS Outlook using the Paragraph Settings:

  • Go to your Outlook mail.
  • Press on the incorrect bulleted line.
  • Navigate to the Format Text tab.
  • Click on Paragraph Settings from the Paragraph section.
  • Type your preferred value in the Left box under Indentation.
  • Press on OK to confirm the process. outlook-pc-align-single-bullet-line

Note: The default Outlook mail indentation on the left is 0.25 inches.

If you want to align bullets in Microsoft Outlook email for all lines, read the following procedures carefully.

Here’s a complete guide on how to create an Outlook rule to manage email.

Here is the way to align all bulleted lines in MS Outlook using Paragraph Settings:

  • Open the MS Outlook application.
  • Navigate to your email.
  • Highlight all bulleted lines.
  • Go to the Format Text tab from the top ribbon.
  • Click on Paragraph Settings from the Paragraph section.
  • Type your preferred value on the Left under the Indentation section.
  • Press on OK. outlook-pc-align-multiple-bullet-line

It will align all the bulleted lines to your entered value. You can adjust the value as you want. But, the standard value for left indentation is 0.25 inch.

Note: The align bullets option is only available for Outlook desktop clients. Outlook mobile and Web version (OWA) don’t have the Format painter or Paragraph Settings to align the bullet lines.

Check out the easiest way to Outlook not marking emails as replied.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I align my bullet points in Microsoft Outlook?

To align the bullet points in Microsoft Outlook, open Outlook email > select all bulleted lines > Format text > Paragraph Settings > type indentation value > OK.

What is the default indentation on the left in Outlook email?

The default indentation on the left in Outlook mail is 0.25 inches. However, you can change the value from the settings.

Can I change bullet alignment in Outlook mobile?

No, Outlook mobile doesn’t have bullet alignment settings. It’s only available for the Outlook desktop version.

Wrapping Up

When reading or writing an email or a formal message, our eyes prefer straight lines rather than crooked ones.

This article has explained the easiest methods to make your bullet points straight and align them perfectly. I hope it has cleared all your problems with the bullet line alignment and made your email look nicer.

Share your thoughts in the comment box below, and I’ll help you eradicate all your questions.


About The Author
Farhan Max is a tech geek with a particular interest in computer hardware. He's been fascinated by gaming since childhood and is now completing his undergraduate studies while researching and testing the latest tech innovations. Alongside his love for all things geeky, Farhan is also a skilled photographer.

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