How to Change Name in Genshin Impact [Easy Methods 2024]

Written By Steven Arends

Changing your name allows you to reinvent your identity and roleplay new personas as you explore Teyvat. Whether you want to adjust your name to fit your playstyle, match your favorite character, or just freshen things up, renaming your character is a

In Genshin Impact, changing your name is a simple process that allows players to personalize their gaming experience. By following this article, you can easily modify your name to reflect your desired identity. So, let’s get started.

How to Change the Name in Genshin Impact

Tap on your Paimon menu to bring up the settings, and click on the pencil icon beside your profile/avatar image. Press the Edit Nickname from the prompt options and provide your preferred name. To finally change the name, click Confirm. Your Nickname also worked as your in-game name.

There’s a common thought that might cross your mind – how many times can you change your name in Genshin Impact?

There are actually no limitations on how many times you change the nickname in Genshin Impact whereas in most other games in this genre, the developer put you boundaries to quickly change the name. You can also change the namecard, avatar, and even signature.

Well, it seems that you’re eager to change or obtain a character nickname in Genshin Impact.

How to Change Nickname

Your in-game name or main character’s name is actually the nickname of Genshin Impact. So, when you like to change the name, it means you have to change the Nickname.

Here are the steps to change your Name/Nickname in Genshin Impact:

  • Launch the Genshin Impact game, and wait for it to fully load.
  • Tap on the Paimon menu from the upperleft corner.tap-on-the-paimon-icon-to-imitiate-menu
  • Press the Pencil icon beside your name.
  • Click on Edit Nickname. tap-on-the-pencil-icon-of-genshin-impact-and-click-edit-nickname
  • Provide your name and tap on Confirm.change-nickname-in-genshin-impact

That will change your Genshin Impact name, and you are free to change the name as many times as you wish.

Whether you play the game on a mobile device, PC, or PS4 the settings and procedures will be identical across all the platforms.

You can even rename Baladier Wanderer Scaramouch in Genshin Impact as you like. When you are completing the Archon quest, you can provide a name to the Wanderer, and there are two methods to do so.

The first one will be to choose the name in the Archon quest there is some dialogue with Wanderer and there will be the option to change her name in those dialogues.

The second method is after you complete the Archon quest, you will be rewarded with an item called Appellative Stroke, and with which you can change the Wanderer’s name.

Note: Make sure, you don’t use any abusive or erotic words as a name. Also, don’t use anything like hate speech. Using these types will affect the community and lead your account to a permanent ban, temporarily disabled or send you notice.

How to Change Namecard

Simply in Genshin Impact namecards are a unique background that showcases the presentation of your Profile, Friend List, Paimon Menu, and Co-Op Mode. When you first log in to the game, you received the Genshin Impact: A New World namecard as default.

And by completing new quests and raising ranks, you unlock new namecards and decorate your profile.

Here are the steps to change your Namecard:

  • Launch the game and get into the Paimon menu from the upperleft corner.tap-on-the-paimon-icon-to-imitiate-menu
  • Tap on the Pencil icon beside your profile image and choose Change Namecard.change-namecard-on-genshin-impact

This is the process to change your Namecard which is similar to the Change Nickname process.

Note: You can also click on Edit Profile to change your namecard. After getting into the option click on the Namecard tab beside the Main Page tab, and from there you can change Namecard. change-namecard-from-profile-menu

How to Change Signature

Your Account’s Signature is a way to express yourself and let others know you better. You can use anything you like, such as – your hobby, or language.

As I use a unique signature to show others my dedication of mine to this game. This is the best way to put your imagination into words and let others see.

Here is the process to change your Signature in Genshin Impact:

  • Launch the Game and get into the Paimon menu.
  • Tap on the Pencil icon and click on Edit Signature. edit-signature-in-genshin-impact
  • Put your signature lines and tap Confirm. change-genshin-impact-signature

How to Change Avatar

From the Paimon menu, you can also change your Avatar. The process is similar to all the previous process I showed you.

Here are the actions to change your avatar:

  • Initiate the game and navigate to the Paimon menu.
  • Press on the Pencil icon and tap on Change Avatar. click-on-the-option-change-avatar
  • Pick and press Use to change the Avatar. change-avatar-on-genshin-impact

You will find all the avatars that you unlocked at the time of your change. Avatars are open when you acquire a new hero.

So as you see, there are many changes you can make with a very easy process. Also, you may think, can you switch twins in Genshin Impact?

That’s actually not possible. Twins are your core personality. Hence, once you lock the character among the twins, your fate is also sealed with that character. So, you can’t change him/her through the game. You have to start a new game to change the Twins.

However, in the game, you will control a party of four characters and switch between them in the gameplay. You can change different characters, but can’t change the twins.

And that’s a wrap. Following these simple steps, you can easily change your name in Genshin Impact and give your profile a fresh new look.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to change the main character’s gender in Genshin Impact?

Unlike name or namecard you can’t change the gender of the main character in Genshin Impact. That’s why to choose the main character carefully, cause once you lock on the character you can’t change it.

How to change my character in Genshin Impact?

Once you start the game there will be one character among the twines. After that, from the story, you will meet Amber, and she will join your party. That’s when you can start the cycle through character. Completing more quests you unlock more heroes and can keep four characters in your party.

Who is the twin character in Genshin?

When you first start the game, the Genshin Impact story let you pick one character from the twins. There is a male and female in the twines, and they are respectively named Aether and Lumine.

Finishing Note

Personalizing your profile is an important part of making Genshin Impact your own. By changing your name, you can establish a unique identifier to show off your individuality and style to friends and co-op partners.

Whether you want to roleplay as your favorite character, display your mains, or just correct an embarrassing typo, adjusting your name is a great way to curate your ideal Genshin experience.

Now get out there, strengthen your party, and spread the glory of your new name all across Teyvat.

About The Author
Steven Arends is a computer science graduate and tech enthusiast with over 10 years of experience in the field. He has a vast collection of computer hardware and loves exploring the latest advancements. As a contributing author to 10Scopes, Steven shares his expertise to make the world of technology more accessible and easier to understand for all readers.

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