Recover your Gmail Account With a Phone Number [Guide 2024]

Written By Farhan Max

Did you just lose your Gmail account password and need to recover that account asap? In that case, you can use the mobile number to recover the account registered to the mail account.

If recovering your Gmail with the phone number sounds complicated, this article might come in handy.

Many people now store their important files and folders in the Gmail drive. For instance, recovering the mail is a must for them to regain access to those data.recover-your-gmail-account-with-a-phone-number

So, Keep your anxiety aside and follow my guideline to recover your precious Gmail account. I will guide you in the best possible way. All you have to do is read till the end and do as per the steps.

Sit tight to begin the recovery journey!

How to Recover your Gmail Account With a Phone Number

Recovering the Gmail account with the phone number is a simple process, and it will only need less than five minutes. People often note down their Gmail or other social media-related passwords, and the problem arises when they lose the note.

You may lose access to your Gmail account after you clean up your entire browser history, password, and other sign-in data. This is the common case behind losing access to your Gmail account when using Gmail from your PC.

You may lose it from mobile after uninstalling the Gmail app or restoring the phone. These types of scenarios are common in losing the mail account. But as I have said earlier, you can easily recover the Gmail account by using the phone number added in the mail account.

But make sure the phone number you will use for the recovery process is still accessible and set as a recovery number. You can’t continue to recover your Gmail account without having that number on a cell phone. Gmail will send an OTP code to that number, which you will need for recovery.

So, without further ado, let’s jump into the Gmail rescue process with a phone number.

Follow our guide on how to Show/Hide Folders on Left Menu on Gmail.

Here are the steps to recover a Gmail account with a phone number:

  • Go to the Gmail sign-in page and enter the Gmail account that you want to recover. input-gmail-account-first
  • Click on Forgot password, which will take you to the number selection page. click-on-forgot-gmail-password
  • Select Get a verification code at this………xx this option. Next, you will see an Account recovery page. click-on-the-phone-number-for-sending-otp-for-gmail-recovery
  • Enter the number in the Phone number box registered with that Gmail account as a recovery number.
  • Click on the Next A text message with a 6-digit code will send to that number. input-number-and-click-on-send-for-gmail-otp-varification
  • Open your Message app on the cell phone and open the message that contains the Google verification code. check-gmail-otp
  • Input the 6-digit code in the Enter the code box and hit the Next button.input-the-otp-number-and-click-next
  • Enter the new password in the prompted Window. Retype the password again.

Choose a strong password this time and note it down in a secure place where you can easily access the Gmail password.

You have successfully recovered your Gmail account with the registered phone number, which was set as a recovery number.

Related guides how to Transfer Contacts to Gmail Accounts.


Can I recover my Gmail account with a phone number?

You can recover your Gmail account with a phone number but make sure that the phone number is registered in that account and was set as a recovery number.

How do I recover my Gmail account if I can’t remember anything?

Go to Google’s Find My Email page and follow the prompts afterward. But you will need to provide the full name associated with your account and the phone number. You may have to enter the recovery email address also.

What are the methods to recover a Gmail account?

You can recover your Gmail account with a recovery mail address or phone number. But before this, you must ensure that both the mail & phone number was set as a recovery option.

Wrapping Up

Gmails are so important that you will need them for every working purpose. People backup their important files and folders in the Gmail drive. So, when you lose one, it can cause havoc.

But, With a registered phone number along with Gmail, you can quickly recover the Gmail that you have forgotten the password. Just follow the above steps to regain mail access again.

Do you face any difficulties while recovering the Gmail? Ask me for further assistance in the comment section.

About The Author
Farhan Max is a tech geek with a particular interest in computer hardware. He's been fascinated by gaming since childhood and is now completing his undergraduate studies while researching and testing the latest tech innovations. Alongside his love for all things geeky, Farhan is also a skilled photographer.

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