Send a Microsoft Teams Meeting Invite [Create & Share]

Written By Shubrato Dev Baishnab

Teams is a great app for business and organizational collaboration. However, if you want to arrange a meeting with the people in the Teams channel, you need to invite them.

You can send two types of invitations: before a meeting & during an ongoing meeting.


If you’re planning for a Teams meeting but don’t know how to send invitations, this guide will light up the way. So, read till the end to arrange the meeting faster.

Let’s begin!

How to Send Teams Meeting Invitation Link

There are two ways to send a Teams meeting invitation to the attendees. Either, you can invite meeting participants while scheduling a meeting or directly send a meeting join request while the meeting is ongoing. Teams also allow you to invite people outside the organization for a meeting.

Let me show you how to send the Teams meeting invitation link to the participants. I’ll cover the procedure for both mobile and desktop users so that you can use any device to invite people for meetings.

1. Send an Invitation Before the Meeting

On Desktop

To send meeting invitations while scheduling, you must schedule the meeting first.

  • Launch the Teams app from your desktop.
  • Click on the Calendar icon from the left
  • Select the New meeting button from the upper right
  • Add meeting title, set time schedule, add location and channel from the required field.
  • Click on the Add required attendees field.
  • Search for the meeting participant’s name and select them from the search result.
  • Hit the Send button to send the meeting

After sending the scheduled meeting invitation to the selected participants, everyone will get the invitation in the Teams channel chat box. From there, they can click on the Join button to join the meeting just in time.

In case you need to keep some meeting attendees in separate rooms, create breakout rooms in the Teams meetings.

On Mobile (Android & iOS)

Sending Teams meeting invitation process is the same for both Android & iOS devices.

  • Open the Teams app from your device.
  • Tap on the (…) More button from the bottom right corner.
  • Touch on the Calendar icon to open it.tap-on-calendar-teams-mobile
  • Tap on the + button to for scheduling a meeting.tap-on-plus-icon-teams-mobile
  • Enter the meeting title, and tap on the Add participants field.tap-add-participants-option-teams-mobile
  • Type the name or email of the participants or select them from the Suggestions.
  • Tap on the tick mark button to complete the participant selection process.type-participants-name-add-them-from-suggestions-teams
  • Set the meeting schedule, add the location, or enter the meeting description.
  • Tap on the tick button to send meeting invitations.tap-on-tick-mark-icon-to-send-mieeting-invite-teams-mobile

By following the above steps, you have successfully scheduled the meeting and sent a Teams meeting invitation to the participants.

2. Send an Invitation During the Meeting

You can also send a meeting joining request even after the session starts. Microsoft Teams allows users to send links to add more participants to a running discussion. Let me show you how to send a meeting joining request from a running meeting.

On Desktop

  • Click on the People icon from the top menu
  • Select the Share invite button from the right
  • Click the Copy meeting link
  • Select the cross button to close the meeting link window.

After that, you can email the people with the copied meeting link to request them to join the ongoing meeting on Teams. You can also add people from the Teams channel to the running meeting.

  • Click on the type a name field from the right
  • Enter the participant’s name and select them to send a join request.type-participants-name-and-select-it

After adding the people to a running meeting, you’ll find them in the meeting. Once they get the link and click the Join button, you must accept their meeting joining request.

On Mobile

If you’re outside and hosting the Teams meeting from your mobile, you can still send a meeting link to join others. To do that:

  • Tap on the People icon from the upper right corner.tap-on-add-people-icon-teams
  • Tap on the Share button on the right side of the Metting participant’s section.tap-on-share-icon-teams
  • Choose the app from which you want to send the meeting invitation link.choose-app-to-send-meeting-invitation

You can also add people from the Teams channel during the meeting. To do that:

  • Touch on the Add people option.tap-add-people-option-from-teams-meeting
  • Enter the names of the people you want to send the meeting joining request.
  • Tap on the tick button once you added all.add-people-and-tap-on-tick-mark-button

The entire process is the same for both Android & iPhone. So, you can follow the steps no matter which device you’re using. Speaking of inviting attendees during a meeting, you can also disable chat on Teams meeting to avoid meeting interruptions.

How to Send Microsoft Teams Meeting Link from Outlook

To send the Teams meeting link from Outlook, click on the Calendar icon from the bottom left side. Select the meeting schedule from the calendar. Click the Add or Remove Attendees button from the ribbon. Select the people to add from the address list. Then click Send Update button.

Not only from the Teams app you can also send Teams meeting links from the Outlook app. That’s the real magic of using Microsoft products. Microsoft Teams is integrated into Outlook also.

Note: If you don’t know how to add Teams to Outlook, check our separate guide, where we covered several ways to do so.

Here’s the procedure to send a meeting invitation link from Outlook:

  • Open the Outlook app.
  • Select the Calendar icon from the bottom left
  • Click on the meeting schedule from the calendar.
  • Select the Add or Remove Attendees button from the
  • Double-click the attendee’s name to select them from the prompted global address list window.

You can add all the people associated with your Teams organization in the required field. You can add other people outside the Teams in the Optional field.

  • Click the OK button after completing the selection process.choose-contacts-to-send-meeting-invitation-from-outlook-addressbook
  • Select the Send update button to send the meeting invitation

That’s it! You have successfully sent the Teams meeting invitation link from the Outlook app. One of the biggest benefits I find using Outlook daily is converting Outlook meetings to Teams meetings whenever needed.

How to Send Teams Meeting Invitations Outside the Organization

To send Teams meeting invitations except for the people from your organization, click on the + Optional button from the Add required attendees field. Then type in the email address of the person you want to add to the meeting. Select the email address from the search result to add.

But you must need their full email address to invite them to the Teams meeting. You can add people who don’t have a licensed Teams account by following the below steps.

  • Open the Teams app from your desktop.
  • Select the Calendar icon from the left
  • Click on the New meeting button from the upper right
  • Click the + Optional button from the Add required attendees
  • Enter the full email address of the person. (ex: [email protected])
  • Select the email address from the matching

After giving the meeting title, setting the schedule, and adding other people, click the Send button to send the meeting invitation outside the organization.

After receiving the invitation, some might face issues with joining the Teams meeting. But you can easily fix Microsoft Teams meeting joining issue by applying some methods with specific manners.


How to send a Teams meeting invite with a link?

To send the Teams meeting invite with a link, click on the Calendar icon from the left menu bar. Select the scheduled meeting from the calendar. Copy the link address from the prompted meeting details window. Now email the copied link to the person you want to add to the meeting.

How can I send Teams meeting invitations during a meeting?

You can invite a person while a Teams meeting is running. To do that, click on the People icon from the meeting options. Select the Share invite button and copy the link by clicking the Copy meeting link button. Now you can send the copied link by email to invite others to join the ongoing meeting.

How can I find my Teams meeting link?

Click on the Calendar from the Teams left menu bar. Select the scheduled meeting from the calendar date. A prompt window will appear with meeting details. You can see the meeting link in blue color there.

Ending Remarks

MS Teams Meeting is great for real-time collaboration and communication in a workspace. With outstanding features, users can perform meetings flawlessly. But you must invite attendees to join the meeting.

In this article, I have demonstrated all the possible ways to send Microsoft Teams meeting invitation links. Still, feel free to comment below if you need any additional help regarding MS Teams.

Good luck!

About The Author
Shubrato is a tech enthusiast and avid writer with a passion for technology-related things. He earned his undergrad degree in CSE. An experienced writer about the latest gadgets & software. He knows how to explain complex concepts clearly and concisely. You’ll find him tinkering with new tech or playing the latest video games when he isn’t writing.

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