AirPod Case Turning Yellow [3 Effortless Home Remedies 2024]

Written By Farhan Max

Compared to your friend’s old pair of AirPods pro, your AirPods — which you bought a few months after, seem a little yellow-ish? That’s the least you can expect after purchasing a new gadget.

And presumably, you didn’t care about the cleanliness till comparison?


Yeah, that’s how life works. We can’t find our flaws until and unless we compare ourselves to others.

Well, moving on from that philosophical aspect, since the yellow-ish effects on your AirPods case became a burning issue, it’s now developed into my concern to remove you from that misery.

So, reading this piece of article will be super helpful if you want to maintain the premium appearance of your fancy AirPods. Let’s start with asking the most important question.

Why is My AirPods Case Turning Yellow?

The only reason behind your AirPods shade fading is a lack of awareness about the case material. Polycarbonate plastic material, i.e., the case is made of, does not do well against excessive sunlight. However, carrying the case to a smokie area also triggers the yellow stains.

Let’s make a brief list of reasons you might want cross-match with your circumstances.

Here are the reasons behind your AirPod Case’s color changing to amber:

  • If you are moving out too much with the buds, especially in excessive sunlight, the color of the case is going to pale a lot quicker than you imagine.
  • Is your AirPod case remains open in a smoky area? That could be industrial smoke or from firing a series of joints in your room. See? Smoking hurts!
  • Sometimes, contact with your body sweat makes your AirPods case shift color. It happens a lot if you are a gym person. Burning calories with the charging case in your pocket? You are likely to get a yellow stain.

These are the most common reasons you can find out. It’s okay to notice the color fade of your snowy AirPods case, and that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about that.

Read the forthcoming segments if you want to change your pale AirPod case to a comparatively better appearance.

Here’s a complete guide on how to fix AirPods not working on one side.

How to Get the Yellow Off My AirPods Case

What is it bothering you the most with your shallow AirPods case? Luring out the yellow charging case in front of your friends seems embarrassing? Given the circumstances, it’s totally understandable.

So, what should you do to avoid that issue? Implement the following workarounds. These go-to solutions saved a lot of time when I encountered the yellow-ish taint on my AirPod

Here are the methods to get the pale off your AirPods case:

Step 1. Get the Grims Out

The first step in removing those yellow stains is clear out the dust from your AirPods case. Pick a cotton bar for taking off the dirt.

Open the lid and clean every corner with a soft cotton stick. Don’t use water on your charging case. Besides the risk of losing functionality, applying water can make the case look even worse.

Quickly check out our epic guide on how to fix Airpods not working on Messenger Calls.

Step 2. Rub With an Eraser

Wiped out all the dust? The next step is to rub your case with an eraser. No need to buy a fancy one. You can utilize the rubber you use to remove pencil marks.

I cleaned the shallow marks from my charging case using a regular eraser. If you want to spend a few bucks, you can use magic erasers from your local supermarket.

But that’s totally up to you.

Step 3. Polish With Alcohol

After rubbing with an eraser, your charging case looks a little bit shiny, right? Well, don’t just leave it there.

Take a piece of dry cloth. Moisten it slightly with isopropyl alcohol, and polish the case carefully. Make sure you don’t soak up the cloth. A drop of that material can damage your AirPod to the extent you don’t want.

That’s it. Working on these solutions will help you to get rid of the issue. And the bonus point is that you don’t need other complicated gadgets to clean the charging case.

So, what can you do to prevent this from happening to your AirPods case? Keep reading to find out.

Also, check our exclusive tutorial on how to fix AirPods not working with Logic Pro.

How to Protect Your AirPods from Turning Yellow

Now that you know how to clear the yellow-ish effects from your charging case, it’s time to take some preventions to protect your AirPods case.

There isn’t much hassling to accomplish that result. Follow the instructions I have enlisted later and work accordingly.

Here are the precautions to save your AirPods case to turn yellow:

Use AirPods Case Wraps

There are hundreds of case wraps you can find online. These wraps are produced intending one reason- to save your charging case from dust and other harming materials.

Plus, you can use the customized wraps form as a Batman cover for your AirPod case.

Follow our guide to know Ccn you use AirPods for PS5.

Use a Microfiber Cloth

If the case wraps are not your thing, then you can use a microfiber cloth to wrap the buds. Search online for that cloth.

Carry the cloth wherever you travel with your AirPods.

They wouldn’t cost much. That’s the least you can do to save your charging case to look jaundiced.

Many people face the problem of AirPods double tap play/pause not working. You can fix it easily by following a few steps on our separate guide.

Frequently Asked Questions

How to make my AirPod case White again?

Use a dry brush to clean the inside lid and a small amount of rubbing alcohol to sweep the case exterior.

How often should I clean the charging case? 

Whenever you feel that you have had a roughed-up journey with your buds, clean the charging case.

How to get black marks off the AirPods case?

Rub a regular eraser through the charging case till you notice the marks get off.

Wrapping Up

The last suggestion I would like to share is don’t ever let your AirPods case come closer to water. Even if it doesn’t damage the mechanism, it will ruin the gadget’s outlook.

However, my final thought was to make sure you didn’t suffer similar consequences as I did. The methods I shared here will help you utterly to deal with the yellow-ish effects.

Then again, if you face any difficulties even after implementing my techniques, I am just a click away. Comment below your queries and share this article with your friends. That would inspire us to write more tech solutions.

About The Author
Farhan Max is a tech geek with a particular interest in computer hardware. He's been fascinated by gaming since childhood and is now completing his undergraduate studies while researching and testing the latest tech innovations. Alongside his love for all things geeky, Farhan is also a skilled photographer.

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