CSGO: Fix High Ping & Packet Loss [Essential Solutions 2024]

Written By Steven Arends

If you have started reading this article, I know how annoyed you are already at obtaining high ping in CSGO. Soothing your mind with gentle words won’t be viable at this moment. Cause I know how furious one can come by if they get killed in CSGO just because of ping fluctuation.

So, fixing the latency issue would be our number one priority at this very moment. But before that, you must know the origin of the problem.



Why is my ping high on CSGO?

It is generally accepted that high ping is the direct result of your internet connectivity. If the network is troublesome, you are likely to get a high ping. Other than that, the hardware condition of the internet device, outdated firmware, rerouting overload of the devices can lead to high latency.

Let’s cut to the chase and introduce you straight to the fixing manual.

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How to Fix High Ping in CS: GO

If you are playing CSGO for a long time, you certainly know this game is not just about your shooting skill or precise aiming. To improve in this highly competitive arena, you need to make sure your device specification and internet connectivity match up the level.

Make sure, your PC configuration meets the minimum requirement of the game. Sometimes, low configuration cause stuttering and high ping issue. Having said that, do you have the exact data on how much ping you are playing counterstrike? 

Skip the following part if you have knowledge of checking your ping in CSGO.

Check my Ping on CSGO

Before solving the issue, I need to instruct you on how you can check your ping in CSGO. When you are aware of the latency then your solving the high reaction time won’t seem complicated.

Here are the steps to check latency in CSGO: 

  • Launch the game from your computer.
  • Click on the Gear icon from the left panel to open the Settings.
  • Move to the game tab and locate enable developer console.
  • Change the console settings to yes and exit the settings window.
  • Press the (~) key from your keyboard to summon the command-line window.
  • Type net_graph 1 and click on submit in the window.

You will be able to find a latency monitor at the bottom of your screen.

Now that you know your actual ping and if that’s high enough to get you killed in the deathmatch, let’s start the awaited procedure. 

To resolve the high ping issue, the first thing you need to do is, repair your internet connection. If you are using Wifi as a form of connectivity, I would recommend you use ethernet, and that’s the fastest way to connect your computer to the internet. 

If the device is much away from the router, or if the wifi signal is breaking down, Ethernet will be a valuable option for you. 

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Here are some other workable methods you can use to fix the high ping issue:

FIx 1. Kill Bandwith Hogging Applications

Background applications are the main culprit behind your latency issue. But to solve the issue, don’t just kill the applications from your task menu at random. You have to find out which applications are draining your internet speed and shut them down immediately.

Don’t worry if you don’t know the procedure. I will write them down here.

Here are the steps to turn off bandwidth draining applications:

  • Press the Windows + R button to open the run prompt.
  • Type in resmon in the prompt box and hit Enter. [1]


  • Go to the Network tab and find processes that wear out your internet resources. [2]


  • Right-click on each of them and select End process.

But, before ending the task, make sure what the process is about and then proceed to end the task.

Fix 2. Verify Game Integrity Files

If your game files are not furbished well enough or any of the files are missing, your game is likely to stutter. In the worst possibility, you are likely to face high ping issues. 

To evade that issue, checking the game integrity cache files is necessary. You can follow the subsequent steps to verify the game files.

Here are the steps to verify the integrity of game cache files:

  • Launch Steam from your computer.
  • Go to Library and move to Local files tab.
  • Scroll down and click on verify integrity of game files.
  • Wait for a few moments to complete the validation process.

If any files are missing from the game directory, steam will most probably download them. If found any corrupted data, it will presumably replace it.

Following these fixing methods will surely solve your ping issue. If that’s not the case, continue reading the upcoming chapters to get rid of the packet loss issue.

How to Resolve Packet loss in CSGO

If your data are lost or dropped during the transferring process across a computer network, it can be described as a packet loss. It can be arduous for your gaming experience to lose packets constantly.

I have organized some easy tricks to keep your game traffics healthy and steady. Follow the written procedure exactly, and enjoy gaming.

Here are the methods to settle packet loss in CSGO:

Method 1. Disable Antivirus Software

Antivirus softwares and gaming have a conflicting correlation. No one knows for sure how much time. Antivirus software mistakenly targets legitimate traffic as adversarial and tends to drop the connection.

To avoid packet loss, you can disable antivirus software from your computer. That’s not the permanent solution I am implying, but checking if the fix is working is worth a shot.

Here’s the process to disable antivirus software from your computer:

  • Press the Windows + S button to open the windows search box.
  • Type in Windows security in the search box and click on the result.
  • Navigate to virus & threat protection > manage settings.[3]


  • Toggle real-time protection to turn off.[4]


Launch the game to check if the packet loss issue has been resolved. Perform the following methods if that one didn’t help you.

Method 2. Flush Your DNS

Flushing down the DNS only helps you when your internet speed is slower than usual and has a surprisingly high packet loss ratio. 

Here’s the process to flush your DNS:

  • Type in cmd in the windows search box.
  • Righ-click on the result and select run as an administrator.
  • Copy this command in the prompt ipconfig /flushdns. [5]


  • Press enter to reset DNS settings to default.

Your work is done here. Restart your computer and relaunch CSGO to check whether the issue persists or not. 

Method 3. Turn on QoS

QoS means the quality of service. If you want to mark your internet usage focused on a single task, QoS is the setting that is going to be handy. You will need only your router access to enable and prioritize CSGO to gain most of the traffic.

Here are the steps to enable QoS on your router:

  • Log into your router with valid information.
  • Go to the Advanced tab from the top menu.
  • Select QoS from the left pane.
  • Tick on Enable QoS option.  [6]


Basically, these few steps are pretty typical for every router. You need to configure the rest according to the device you are using right now.

So, these are the most authentic and valuable methods you can try on if you face high latency or low packet issues when playing CSGO on your computer. 

Other measures you must try on are, Update your device software, which would kill the bugs and glitches which you don’t want in your device. And lastly, replace outdated hardware. If the hardware you are using is aged more than seven years, just substitute those components. Trust me! You will experience it better.

Final thoughts

Throughout the article, I have described both the high ping and packet loss issues individually. Most likely, this discussion will help you resolve the matter, but I can’t say it’s going to be a 100% success.

Only you know about the using mechanism of your device. Try following the method that you think would be best for you. But, if implementing the outlined methods get difficult for you, feel free to contact our support team.

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About The Author
Steven Arends is a computer science graduate and tech enthusiast with over 10 years of experience in the field. He has a vast collection of computer hardware and loves exploring the latest advancements. As a contributing author to 10Scopes, Steven shares his expertise to make the world of technology more accessible and easier to understand for all readers.

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