Google One Vs Google Workspace [How Do They Differ?]

Written By Kazi Md Mehedi Hasan

With a mountain of Google services, it’s often come out enigmatic for a consumer to choose the right one. Picking one between Google One and Google Workspace is a perfect embodiment, to say the

In this write-up, I’m about to walk you through the nitty-gritty of these two Google products.

Let’s take a look.

Google One & Google Workspace: What’s the Difference?

Fundamentally, Google One is a storage management system and a subscription service to expand space throughout Google products, such as Gmail, Google Drive, Google Photos, etc., for an individual account. Google One and Gmail are bound to the same email.

Google Workspace, meanwhile, comes bundled with Google apps like Google Docs, Sheets, Drive, Photos, and such. One administrative account in Google Workspace controls what others can see or have access to. As a result, it emerges as an organizational management tool, providing excellent communication between employees with subordinate accounts.

Key DifferencesGoogle OneGoogle Workspace
Subscription Plan PriceLowHigh
Target AudiencePersonal useBusiness, education, or other organization
Account DomainEnds with @gmail.comA custom email account with a preferred domain, such as [email protected]
User ManagementNon-existentAdministrate who can have access to workspace resources.
Storage AccessShared among usersUsers can use up total organizational storage space. Also, the option to imply a storage limit on an individual is present.
AdsAds are found in GmailNo ads
OffersGoogle Store discounts and rewardsNo discounts or rewards

Features of Google One

Google One was developed as an all-in-one store management program for consumer accounts. The intuitive UI has everything in one place. Monitor and take action from a lone point to whatever Google service you

The service that made Google One stand out is the subscription plan to increase cloud storage in every part of Google ecosystem applications such as Google Drive, Photos, and others. Though, it’s bound to individual accounts.

Here’s a quick summary of Google One offerings:

  • Expand cloud storage through subscription and backup data.
  • Share purchased space with friends and family.
  • VPN protection on all devices.
  • Dark web alert to prevent personal information breaches.
  • Advanced security features.
  • On-demand Google expert support.

Google Workspace: An Enterprise Solution

From start-ups to enterprises, Google Workspace caters to creating, connecting, and collaborating with teams. It does so through a pool of Google apps and tools. Programs included with Workspace are no different from a standard Gmail account but bring users in the company under the same umbrella.

The benefit?

Manage your organization from a single place. Allocate storage to a particular member or a group. Dictate what to share with whom. Share documents, and data with Google Sheets and Docs, maybe a presentation on Google Slides in your group, video conference in Google Meet to brainstorm, and so much more!

Speaking of Google Workspace apps, there are currently 17 of them incorporated within the ecosystem.

Google Workspace AppFunctionality
GmailManage emails
Google DriveStore and backup important files and documents
ContactsSave new contacts or edit them
SheetsMake spreadsheets, share, and work together with colleagues
SlidesCreate presentations
DocsProduce documents, share, and print them
ChatChat with others in the organization
Google HangoutsCross-platform messaging service between Google accounts
MeetMake video calls for conference or communication
ClassroomInteract with your study group with announcements and schedules
Group for BusinessEfficient business communication
KeepCreate text memo or notes and set reminders
CalendarSchedule meetings and other activities
SitesCreate organization websites
Jam BoardCollaborate and brainstorm on a whiteboard
FormsMake forms to record opinions from participants
Apps ScriptEasily develop business apps to incorporate with Workspace
Mist SSOCreate AI-driven company database

Having said that, Google Workspace was formerly known as G-Suite. Though a lot has improved, embracing new icons, UI, and applications.

Google One or Workspace? Choose the Right One

To be blunt, for lone wolves out there, Google One is more than adequate. For intended business and education purposes, however, you should choose Google Workspace.

See, the subscription plans in Google One are designed for personal use. They are significantly cheap, such as $1.99/month for 100GB, and accompanied by all the necessary tools to run a solo business. Besides, security attributes play fairly well, safeguarding your data privacy all along.

As opposed to that, even for small businesses, Google Workspace muddle through perfectly fine. And as the business flourishes with more resources and employees, scale up the Workspace with it by purchasing higher-tier plans. Build, collaborate, share, and grow at any scale.


Is Google One the same as Google Workspace?

No, Google One is not the same as Google Workspace. The two are different with unique features. Google One is for consumer use, and Google Workspace is meant for organizations.

Is Google Workspace the same as G-Suite?

Yes, Google Workspace is the same as G-suite, with enhanced app support and functionalities. It’s more of an overhaul with modern trends.

Closing Thoughts

I hope by now you have a crystal clear outlook on Google One and Google Workspace. It’s now a breeze to make a choice between two.

More questions? Please leave a comment below.

About The Author
Kazi Md Mehedi Hasan is a tech blogger with a passion for all things technology. When you define an alpha geek personality, it’s impossible to make a single statement without mentioning his name.He expresses his knowledge and experience on blogs covering the latest tech news, products, and software releases. He is always scouting for the next big thing in technology and shares his honest opinions. Follow him to stay updated on the tech world.

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